Sweet and Sour Pork

Picture of Sweet and Sour Pork by Elizabeth Marshall MasterChef New Zealand Wellington
Sweet and Sour Pork
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There’s something naughty about this Cantonese dish – maybe because in the takeaway version the meat is usually deep fried. Originally it was made using pork rib but foreigners didn’t like eating meat with the bone in so it became little boneless pieces of meat. The original dish was also more sour than today’s version with a good chili hit! That’s how I like it but it was due to the American palate that this dish has become more sweet over thousands of years.
Servings Prep Time
4 people 10-15 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Servings Prep Time
4 people 10-15 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Picture of Sweet and Sour Pork by Elizabeth Marshall MasterChef New Zealand Wellington
Sweet and Sour Pork
Print Recipe
There’s something naughty about this Cantonese dish – maybe because in the takeaway version the meat is usually deep fried. Originally it was made using pork rib but foreigners didn’t like eating meat with the bone in so it became little boneless pieces of meat. The original dish was also more sour than today’s version with a good chili hit! That’s how I like it but it was due to the American palate that this dish has become more sweet over thousands of years.
Servings Prep Time
4 people 10-15 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Servings Prep Time
4 people 10-15 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Servings: people
  1. Cook rice according to packet instructions.
Pork or (other protein) and vegetables
  1. Thinly slice, season with salt and pepper then lightly cover with cornflour. Flash fry in pan on med/high heat 1-2 mins. Set aside.
  2. Cut carrots, capsicum and red onion into similar sized pieces.
Sweet and Sour Sauce
  1. Strain the pineapple pieces reserving juice. Set aside pineapple pieces.
  2. In a bowl or measuring cup mix all the liquid ingredients. Add to 2T of cornflour whisking to make a slurry.
  3. Mince peeled garlic, grate peeled ginger and chop chili. On med/high heat sweat garlic and ginger then add liquid slurry and chili. Cook off for approximately 2mins.
Putting it all together
  1. Add vegetables to the sauce then when they are almost cooked to your liking add pork and pineapple to heat through.
  2. Serve immediately with rice and a garnish of spring onion.
Recipe Notes

~ Don't have fresh ginger? Substitute ¼ t ground ginger for 1T fresh ginger.

~ This dish can be made with apples and or you can substitute peaches too which were prevalent in China.

If you'd like to learn how to cook other Asian meals at home book a personal one-to-one masterclass or book a private cooking party for your family and/or foodie friends! Get in touch for more information.

Elizabeth Marshall © 2014   elizabethmarshall.co.nz   facebook.com/ElizabethMarshallchef   @chefEMarshall

Elizabeth Marshall MasterChef NZ Wellington Specialty Catering Cakes and Cooking Classes Contact Details
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